ニチバン 製本テープ 35mm×30m巻 BK35-3019 業務用 紺色 特徴: 仕様書や文書などの簡易製本、本やノートの補強、補修に便利です。耐磨耗性に富み、耐折性にも優れていますので色が落ちたりしません。テープは古紙パルプ配合率50%の再生紙を使用しています。はく離紙は古紙パルプ配合率100%の再生紙を使用し再生も可能です。裏紙にスプリット(切れ目)が入っていますので、はがしやすく位置合わせに便利です。耐候性、耐老化性にすぐれた粘着剤を使用しています。 A characteristic: It is convenient for reinforcement the repair of the simple binding book and notebooks such as specifications or the document. I am full of ablation resistance and a color does not decline as I am superior in occasion characteristics-resistant. The tape uses the regenerated paper of 50% of wastepaper pulp combination rates. The detachment paper is available for the reproduction using the regenerated paper of 100% of wastepaper pulp combination rates too. As a split (break) enters the backing paper it is easy to tear it off and is convenient for alining it. I use an adhesive superior in weatherability aging characteristics-resistant.
ニチバン 製本テープ 35mm×30m巻 BK35-3019 業務用 紺色
A characteristic:
It is convenient for reinforcement the repair of the simple binding book and notebooks such as specifications or the document. I am full of ablation resistance and a color does not decline as I am superior in occasion characteristics-resistant. The tape uses the regenerated paper of 50% of wastepaper pulp combination rates. The detachment paper is available for the reproduction using the regenerated paper of 100% of wastepaper pulp combination rates too. As a split (break) enters the backing paper it is easy to tear it off and is convenient for alining it. I use an adhesive superior in weatherability aging characteristics-resistant.